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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Please breathe quietly, and refrain from swallowing. Japanese
Please stand in this position. (Showing an example) Japanese
Please read this pamphlet. Japanese
Please rest your arms on the cushion above your head so that they do not appear in the filmed image. Japanese
I know it is painful. Please try to bear it. Japanese
We will now take an x-ray image of your right (left) breast. Japanese
Please straighten your arms so that your elbows do not come into contact with the CT machine. It will cause the machine to automatically turn off. Japanese
Please shift your weight to your right (left) side. We will take an x-ray image. Japanese
You may feel discomfort. If it is unbearable, please let me know. Japanese
Please do not lower your arms until the test is completed. Japanese
Please place your hand ( body part) off the surface. Japanese
In order to attain a clear mammograph image, I will need to touch your breasts, back and armpits. Japanese
I'm going to ask you inhale while I adjust a band around your middle. Please use it to gage your breathing during the test. Japanese
Please beware of the machine over head. Japanese
This procedure is necessary to attain a clear image. Your cooperation is appreciated. Japanese
Please do not move your feet/ hands(arms)/right foot/left foot/right hand(arm)/ left hand(arm) Japanese
Please bend your right (left) knee forward, so that it is not against the lower leg. Japanese
Some people feel a degree of discomfort during this examination. Japanese
Please lie down with your left side up. Japanese
We will now take an x-ray image of the other side. Japanese
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