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2535 phrases already exist for English. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Do you normally have any food or water intake limitations? Japanese
I'm going to turn your head to the right(left). Japanese
Please stand straight, facing this machine, with your feet apart. Japanese
Have you ever had surgery before? Japanese
I'm going to inject the drug. Japanese
I'm going to tilt your head forward (backward). Japanese
Now turn your upper body diagonal to the machine. Japanese
I will position your body in order to take an x-ray image. Japanese
Please tell me if you feel any pain in your arm. Japanese
Please place your forehead (chin) on the machine. Japanese
Please lean against the surface. Japanese
Please place your back against the machine in order to take an image. Japanese
After I have inserted the needle, please tell me if you feel an unsual sensation. Japanese
Please protrude your chin out. Japanese
I'm going to touch your right (left) side. Japanese
Please hold your arms behind you. Japanese
Please press this button if you need to speak to hospital staff. Japanese
Please turn your head (partially) to the side. Japanese
I'm going to lift your right (left) breast, and pull gently on it. Japanese
Please get up from the examination table. Japanese
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