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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
It will go quite deep into your mouth, Japanese
The CT examination involves taking several pictures. Japanese
I'm going to place a sponge under your knee(s). Japanese
Please bite down gently. Japanese
Please lie down with your head on this cushion. Japanese
Please place your foot on the board so that the entire surface of the sole of your foot is flat against it. Japanese
I'm going to take another x-ray image. Japanese
I'm going to move your head to position it correctly. Japanese
I am going to bend our elbow and rotate it inward (outward). Japanese
In this examination, you will feel pressure on your breasts from two directions. Japanese
Swallowing during the filming will disrupt the image. Japanese
It may be a little painful. Japanese
We will take an image applying pressure on your breasts from above and diagonally. Japanese
I'm going to slip a towel under your back (spinal area) to adjust your posture. Japanese
Please hold this support bar. Japanese
Your breasts will be sandwiched from above and below (diagonally). Japanese
Please breathe quietly, and refrain from swallowing. Japanese
Please stand in this position. (Showing an example) Japanese
Please read this pamphlet. Japanese
Please rest your arms on the cushion above your head so that they do not appear in the filmed image. Japanese
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