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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
We will take an x-ray image to determine the degree of recovery of the fractured bone. Japanese
Please raise your leg(s). Japanese
Please place your toes on the line drawn on the floor. Japanese
However, your current health condition or any tension you may be feeling while being tested can trigger a reaction to the drug used. Please try to relax during the test. Japanese
We will position your (body part) and then take an x-ray image. Japanese
We will take an image with your legs spread apart. Japanese
I'm going to hold your shoulders so that you do not shift position. (None)
Do you feel thirsty? Japanese
In which hand do the symptoms appear? Japanese
Please point your knees inward (outward). Japanese
You will feel pressure on your breast. Japanese
Have you ever had an adverse reaction to an image contrast medium? Japanese
Do you feel dizzy? Japanese
I'm going to pull slightly on your neck. Japanese
mediolateral oblique Japanese
When did you injure yourself? (None)
Do you normally have any food or water intake limitations? Japanese
I'm going to turn your head to the right(left). Japanese
Please stand straight, facing this machine, with your feet apart. Japanese
Have you ever had surgery before? Japanese
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