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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Do you ever have an allergic reaction to any food or drugs? Japanese
Please raise your arms to the point where you feel pain. Japanese
Are you currently having your monthly menstruation? Is it before your menstruation? Japanese
The image contrast medium is discharged from your body in your urine. Have you ever been told that you have problems with your kidneys? Japanese
We will take an x-ray image of your: head/face/neck/shoulders/back/chest/ribs/stomach/back/ spine/lower back /pelvis /hip joint/base of the leg /leg/knee/ankle/arm/elbow/wrist/hand Japanese
Please turn your hand inward (outward). Japanese
Are your currently breast feeding? Japanese
Did the doctor explain to you about the image contrast medium? Japanese
We will take an x-ray image of your leg, from ankle to hip joint. Japanese
Please stand on one foot. Japanese
craniocaudal projection Japanese
When did you eat your last meal? Japanese
We will inject an image contrast medium (image enhancing medium) into your joint before taking the x-ray. Japanese
Please roll over to the right (left). Japanese
Please stand so that your right (left) breast is in the middle of the x-ray table. Japanese
Do you have any allergies? Japanese, Portuguese, Japanese
We will take an x-ray image to determine if the bone has been correctly positioned. Japanese
Please touch your left (right) shoulder with your right (left) hand. Japanese
Please place your right (left) ear in the middle of this surface.. Japanese
Aside from those with allergies and/or asthma, people rarely have any reaction to the image contrast medium, Japanese
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