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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
It may be necessary to take an additional picture. Japanese
I'm going to press firmly on your side. Japanese
We will be taking an MRI image of your (body part). Japanese
Please place your chin on the machine. Japanese
Please go to the dressing room as you are. Do not change into your clothes yet. Japanese
I'm going to touch you on your lower back area. Japanese
Do you have a heart pacemaker or any other internal metalic device? Japanese
Please gently close your mouth. Japanese
This is the procedure for mammography examination. Japanese
Please place your hand (elbow, arm, knee, heel, foot) on this surface. Japanese
You will feel vibrations during the test. Japanese
I'm going to put a device in your ear. Japanese
Please protect our breasts by taking the time to have this examination. Japanese
Please roll your hand (elbow, arm, knee, heel, foot) inward (outward). Japanese
Please keep your head stationary. Japanese
We will take a multiple cross-section image picture of your (part of body) today. Japanese
I am going to place your hand (finger) on its side. Japanese
I'm going to put a device in your mouth. Japanese
We will take a CT image of the veins in your (part of body) today. Japanese
Are you in pain? Japanese
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