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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
I'm going to align the laser with the markings determined during your CT scan. Japanese
Do you have any tatoos? Japanese, Portuguese
Then I'm going to to inject air into your stomach. Japanese
I will adjust the position of your body. Please do not move it yourself. Japanese
Please do not bring any metallic objects into the testing room. Japanese
I'm going to inject air into your bowels through your rectum. You will feel a bloated sensation. Japanese
I'm going to take an x-ray image of the area to be treated. Japanese
It is not necessary to hold you breath during the test. However, breathing deeply will cause your body to move, resulting in an unclear image. Please breath quietly. Japanese
Have you ever been told that you have heart disease, glaucoma or an enlarged prostate? Japanese
I have aligned the markings. I will now begin your first treatment. Japanese
Please follow the technicians instructions. The test will end more quickly. Japanese
I'm now going to give you an injection. Japanese
The treatment will be over soon. Japanese
The test is proceeding correctly. Please remain as you are. Japanese
Do you feel any numbness in your fingertips? Japanese
Please do not move. Japanese
Please allow me to check if you have any metallic objects on you. Japanese
After drinking this medicine your stomach will begin to feel bloated. We will take an image after you get this sensation. Japanese
Please go behind the curtains and prepare to receive your treatment. Change clothing and remove all metallic objects. Japanese
Are you carrying a wallet or any cards with a metallic band? Japanese
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