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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
This injection will make you feel thirsty. However, please do not drink anything until the test is over. Japanese
Please come out when you are ready. Japanese
Do you have a medicinal heart plaster on your chest? Japanese
Have you ever had a reaction after drinking barium? Japanese
Please tell me if you need help. Japanese
We will then take another x-ray image. Japanese
Please place your hospital card in the box at the reception desk(on the examination table). Japanese
Please transfer to this wheelchair. Japanese
Please turn quickly to the right. Japanese
After repeated treatments, you will begin to lose the hair in that area. Japanese
The hospital staff will hold on to any valuables. Japanese
Please turn partially to the right. Japanese
After repeated treatments, the skin in that area may become red and sensitive. Japanese
I'm am going to adjust your position. I will need to touch your body to do so. Japanese
Please turn left, to face directly up. Japanese
After repeated treatments, your throat may become sore. Japanese
Please use these headphones to lightnen the noise during the test. Japanese
Please remove your shoes and lie down on the examination table. Japanese
After repeated treatments, you may get diarrhea due to exposure to radiation in the abdomen. Japanese
I'm going to press lightly here, on your (body part). Japanese
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