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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Did you skip meals before coming to the hospital? Japanese
Please tell me if you would like me to adjust the pillow. Japanese
If you move during the process, the measurements will be inaccurate. Please try to remain still. Japanese
Do you feel uncomforatble in confined places? Japanese
Please do not bend your knees until you are told to do so. Japanese
I'm going to rotate the examination table. Japanese
You will feel no pain during this test. Please relax, and refrain from moving. Japanese
Movement may cause bleeding. Please try not to move. Japanese
Please push the button if you need to speak to the hospital staff. Japanese
At times during the test, I will ask you to hold your breath. Please do so when asked. Japanese
The results of the test will be sent to your attending physician. He/She will explain them to you. Japanese
From tomorrow your treatment will take appoximately 10 minutes. Japanese
The test will stop automatically when the button is pushed. Please refrain from pushing it unnecessarily. Japanese
We will begin the test for your stomach. We will use an image contrast medium. Japanese
Please come in. Japanese, Portuguese
The test will take some time, so please relax. You may fall asleep if you like. Japanese
Please drink this barium for the test. Japanese
Here you are. Japanese
The sound indicates that the test is in process. Please do not move during this time. Japanese
I'm going to inject a drug to stop movement of your stomach. Japanese
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