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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
반대측 X레이 사진도 찍습니다. Japanese
Are you aware of any changes or unusual sensations in your breasts? Japanese
Duerma de lado derecho hacia abajo. Japanese
Tiraremos uma chapa de raio X do lado oposto também. Japanese
有什么异常的感觉(疙瘩、疼痛等)吗? Japanese
今まで造影剤の薬を使って検査をしたことはありますか? English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Le tomaré una radiografía también del lado opuesto. Japanese
어딘가 의심되는 부분이 있습니까? Japanese
Have your ever had a test using an image contrast medium? Japanese
痛いですが、動かないでください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Sente estranheza em alguma parte? Japanese
以前做过注入造影剂的检查吗? Japanese
I know it is painful, but please try not to move. Japanese
¿Le preocupa alguna parte? Japanese
지금까지 조영제 약을 사용하여 검사를 한 적이 있습니까? Japanese
有点疼、但请不要动。 Japanese
その痛み(しこり)があるのはいつからですか? English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Já realizou algum exame usando medicamentos de meios de contraste? Japanese
아프지만 움직이지 마십시오. Japanese
How long have you noticed this pain (lump)? Japanese
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