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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Please place your hand ( body part) off the surface. Japanese
Avíseme cuando no pueda soportar el dolor. Japanese
촬영 종료 후까지 손은 내리지 마십시오. Japanese
请把手(部位)放在板的外侧。 Japanese
奇麗にマンモグラフィを撮るためにお乳や背中、腋などを触ります。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Não abaixe os braços até terminar a filmagem. Japanese
손(부위)을 판 밖에 놓으십시오. Japanese
In order to attain a clear mammograph image, I will need to touch your breasts, back and armpits. Japanese
No baje las manos hasta que no termine de haber hecho las tomas. Japanese
Deixe a mão (parte do corpo) fora do cassete. Japanese
为了能拍出清晰的乳房X光照片、要碰一下你的乳房、背部和腋下等。 Japanese
息を吸い込んだところでバンドをします。吸い込む息の量の目安にしてください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Coloque la mano fuera de la tabla. Japanese
선명하게 만모그라피를 찍기 위해 가슴, 등, 겨드랑이 등에 손을 댑니다. Japanese
I'm going to ask you inhale while I adjust a band around your middle. Please use it to gage your breathing during the test. Japanese
頭の上の機械に気をつけてください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Para realizarmos uma mamografia eficiente, tocaremos nos seios, nas costas e nas axilas. Japanese
在吸入气时給你系上带子、请以此作为吸气量的基准。 Japanese
Please beware of the machine over head. Japanese
Para tomar una buena mamografía, le tocaré el seno, la espalda y la axila. Japanese
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