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2535 phrases already exist for English. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
I'm going to wrap this pad around your foot (leg). Japanese
Please turn partially to the left, and take another drink of barium. Japanese
Please raise your hand if you need to speak to me. Japanese
I'm going to place this device on your abdomen (stomach). Japanese
Please lift your left hip. Japanese
We will take a short break. Japanese
I'm going to wrap this band around your abdomen (stomach) to limit movement while breathing. Please tell me if it is too tight. Japanese
Please raise your hand if the pressure of the machine against your ribs is painful. Japanese
I'm going to place a mask on your face to keep the area to be treated statonary. Japanese
You will hear a loud sound. Japanese
I'm going to apply pressure here again. Japanese
Please maintain that position. Japanese
The test involves using magnetic fields. Any metals will affect the image. Japanese
The test will end in approximately OO minutes. Japanese
This is the end of the test. Japanese
I have aligned the markings. Please do not move. Japanese
Are you using contact lenses? Japanese, Portuguese
I'm going to move the examination table. Japanese
You may get down from the examination table. Japanese
I'm going to turn off the lights to align the markings. Japanese
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