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2535 phrases already exist for English. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
How much alcohol do you drink? Japanese
Please hold the bars on the sides of the machin. Grip the bar with your hands on the inside, fingers pointing out. Japanese
Do you have diarrhea? Japanese
I'm going to remove the frame from your head. Japanese
I'm going to remove the needle. Japanese
Since when have you been drinking alcohol? Japanese
I'm going to move the examination table now. (None)
Are you constipated? Japanese
Your next treatment is scheduled for OO-OO am/pm. Japanese
Have you ever been told that you have a coagulation problem? Japanese
Please tell me if you feel uncomfortable. Japanese
Do you have any problems urinating? Japanese
Do you need any medication? Japanese
We are going to go to the MRI examination room. Japanese
Are you taking blood thinning medicaton? Japanese
Please relax your shoulders. Japanese
How many times a day do you use the toilet? Japanese
You will need to be seen by your doctor to receive a prescription for medication. Japanese
I'm going to measure the shape of your head in order to accurately conduct the radiation treatment. Japanese
Please drink plenty of liquids today to flush out the image contrast medium from your body through your urine. Japanese
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