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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
I'm going to take an x-ray image of the bones/joint) of your (back/shoulder/elbow/arm/wrist/hand/leg/ankle/foot). Japanese
All follow-up treatments should take approximately 10 minutes. Japanese
I'm going to take two pictures of your heart. The next one will be in two and half hours. Japanese
I'm going to lift your breast. Japanese
I'm going to inject an image contrast medium into your rectum. Japanese
I'm going to turn your OO(body part) 45 degrees (inward/outward). Japanese
Do not hesitate to ask questions about your treatment. Japanese
Please eat a light meal. Japanese
I'm going to sandwich your breast between these two surfaces. Japanese
Please lie on the examination table facing down(up). Japanese
Please hold on to this bar as I take a picture. Japanese
Wearing this shell helps us to accurately pinpoint the area to be treated. Japanese
I'm going to inject a drug that will put stress on your heart. Japanese
It may be a little uncomfortable. Do you feel alright? Japanese
Please use the toilet. Japanese
Please stand in front of the machine. Japanese
Heat softened plastic is applied and cooled to take a mold. Japanese
Please tell me if your feel chest pain or discomfort. Japanese
Today, we will take a CT image of your head/neck/chest/heart/stomach(abdomen)/pelvic area/leg(s)/foot(feet)/hand(s) (arm(s). Japanese
Please turn slightly to the left. Japanese
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