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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
検査のために心電図と血圧計を付けます。服の前を開けます。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Abaixe o queixo. Japanese
Si se mueve durante el examen se borra la imágen. Japanese
Le haré la toma desde la parte posterior del cuerpo. Japanese
얼굴형을 본뜰 때 따뜻한 스팀 타월이 얼굴에 닿습니다. Japanese
Before the test you will have electrocardiograph and blood pressure tests. Japanese
Estire la mandíbula. Japanese
針を抜いた後、血が止まるまで脱脂綿で数分間おさえていてください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
今日は(足の静脈/足の動脈/お腹/首の血管/首/骨盤あたり/手の静脈/手の動脈/乳腺)の超音波検査を行います。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Para tirar o molde, tocaremos o rosto com algo quente parecido com uma toalha quente e úmida. Japanese
检查时要装上心电图和血压计、要把你衣服的前面解开。 Japanese
顎を上げて下さい。 English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish
I'm going to remove the needle. Please put pressure on the site with this cotton swab until the bleeding stops. Japanese
We will do an ultrasound test of (the veins in your leg(foot)/the arteries in your leg(foot)/your stomach(abdomen)/the veins and arteries in your neck/your neck/your pelvic area/the veins in your arm(hand)/the arteries in your arm(hand)/the mammary glands in your breasts). Japanese
Al hacer el molde, le pasaré por la cara algo así como una toalla vaporizada. Japanese
검사하기 위해 심전도와 혈압계를 붙입니다. 옷을 펼치겠습니다. Japanese
Please raise your chin. Japanese
针拔了以后、请用药棉按住几分钟、直到血止住为止。 Japanese
今天要做(脚静脉/脚动脉/腹部/颈部血管/颈部/骨盆附近/手静脉/手动脉/乳腺)的超声波检查。 Japanese
今から電子線を照射します。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
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