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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
I'm going to wrap this pad around your foot (leg). Japanese
Coja el vaso con la mano derecha. Japanese
위치를 맞추기 위해 몸에 손을 댑니다. Japanese
在你脚的周围缠上垫子。 Japanese
左斜めを向いてください。バリウムを一口飲んでください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Tocaremos no corpo para ajustar a posição. Japanese
발 주위에 패드를 감습니다. Japanese
Please turn partially to the left, and take another drink of barium. Japanese
Le voy a tocar el cuerpo para ajustar la posición. Japanese
Envolveremos o pé com uma almofada. Japanese
请向着左前方。请喝一口钡剂。 Japanese
何かあったときは手を振っておしらせください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Le voy a envolver una banda alrededor del pie. Japanese
왼쪽으로 비스듬하게 향해 주십시오.바륨을 한 모금 마십시오. Japanese
Please raise your hand if you need to speak to me. Japanese
お腹の上に器具を乗せます English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Vire-se para a diagonal à esquerda. Tome um gole de bário. Japanese
若有什么有情况时请挥手告诉一下。 Japanese
I'm going to place this device on your abdomen (stomach). Japanese
Inclínese un poco hacia la izquierda, tome un trago de bario. Japanese
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