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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
土、日、祝日以外の毎日、治療を行います。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Iniciaremos agora o tratamento. Japanese
O corpo irá esquentar no decorrer do exame, porém, não é preciso se preocupar. Japanese
이런 동작이 반복됩니다. Japanese
You will receive treatment everyday except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Japanese
Empiezo el tratamiento. Japanese
A la mitad del examen se le calentará el cuerpo, no hay problema. Japanese
Será uma repetição como esta. Japanese
除了星期六、日、节假日以外、每天都进行治疗。 Japanese
照射野(治療している範囲)を小さくします。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
検査を中止したいときはブザーを押して下さい。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Esto se repite así. Japanese
토, 일, 축일 이외에는 매일 치료를 합니다. Japanese
I'm going to decrease the area to be treated. Japanese
Please press the button if you need to interrupt the test. Japanese
撮影時は何度か息を吸ったり吐き出したりして止めてもらいます。私の合図に合わせてください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
O tratamento será realizado todos os dias, exceto sábados, domingos e feriados. Japanese
缩小照射范围(治疗范围) Japanese
想中止检查时请按信号器。 Japanese
I'm going to ask you to inhale, exhale and hold your breath during the test. Please follow these instructions. Japanese
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