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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
청구대상기간은 ( )일입니다. Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese
その他には、処方箋の料金などがあります。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
There are also other charges, such as the cost of giving out prescriptions. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
另外,还有处方费等。 Japanese, English, Korean, Portuguese
기타에는 처방전의 요금 등이 있습니다. Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese
Há mais taxa de receita médica e outros. Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
入院する費用(自己負担金)は、次の日に請求致します。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Any charges for hospitalization (the amount to be payed by the patient) will be billed on the following day. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Taxa de radiografia são de radiografia, Ct, MRI e outros. Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
リハビリ料とは、リハビリの料金のことです。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
A rehabilitation and physical therapy charge is the charge for rehabilitation and physical therapy instruction, equipment, and etc. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
医疗指导费是指帮助患者康复的费用。 Japanese, English, Korean, Portuguese
재활훈련료란, 재활훈련의 요금을 말합니다. Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese
Taxa de reabilitação é a taxa para fazer fisioterapia. Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
taxa de exames são exames de espécimeno como exames de urina, sangue e outros e exames investigações vivas do corpo como exames de gastrocâmara, eletrocardiograma, e outros. Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
レントゲン料とは、レントゲン写真やCT、MRIなどの料金のことです。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
A radiology charge is the charge for x-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and etc. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
X光费是指拍X光片或CT,MRI等费用。 Japanese, English, Korean, Portuguese
X레이료란, X레이 사진이나 CT,MRI 등의 요금을 말합니다. Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese
Taxa de operação é a taxa sobre a transfusão de sangue, os produtos de medicamentos, os remédios utilizados na cirurgia, a anestesia e a operação. Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean
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