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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
请尽量排出大便。 Japanese
タオルで体を拭いてください English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Where do feel the most pain? Japanese
I'm going to place a sticker on the markings so that the markings do not rub off. Japanese
Como está bajo de defensas, evite los lugares congestionados y trate de no resfriarse. Japanese
반드시 배변해 주십시오. Japanese
Please wipe your body with this towel. Japanese
哪儿最疼啊? Japanese
为了不让记号的线条消失、要在画上记号的地方贴上粘纸。 Japanese
これから治療する位置を確認するためのCTの検査を行います。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Defeque sem falta. Japanese
请用毛巾把身体擦一下。 Japanese
어디가 제일 아픕니까? Japanese
표시선이 지워지지 않도록 표시한 곳에 씰을 붙입니다. Japanese
You will be given a CT scan in order to determine the area to be treated. Japanese
Ebacué todo, trate de dejar el estómago limpio. Japanese
타월로 몸을 닦아 주십시오. Japanese
Que lugar dói mais? Japanese
Passaremos uma fita sobre a marca para que os traços da marca não se apaguem com facilidade. Japanese
现在做确认治疗位置的CT检查。 Japanese
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