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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
検査のために微量の放射線が出る薬を注射します。黄色いスリッパに履き替えて検査室に入ってください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Qual é a quantidade da urina? Japanese
Hoy trate de expulsar el bario a través de la orina, tome mucho líquido (menos licor.) Japanese
Durante el tratamiento, la membrana del (intestino/ garganta), se debilita. Evite las cosas que puedan irritarle. Japanese
진찰 받겠습니까? Japanese
For the following test you will be injected with a very small amount of radioactive drug. Please remove yur shoes and wear the yellow slippers into the examination room. Japanese
Más o menos ¿Qué cantidad orina? Japanese
胃をふくらませる薬を飲んでください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
機械の(上/横)の棒を持ってください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Deseja se examinar? Japanese
因检查的需要、给你注射含有微量放射线的药物。请换上黄色的拖鞋到检查室来。 Japanese
夜中に何回トイレに行きますか? English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Please take this medicine. It will bloat your stomach. Japanese
Please hold the bars (on the sides of/above) the machine with your hands. Japanese
¿Se hace ver? Japanese
검사를 위해 미량의 방사선이 나오는 약을 주사합니다. 노란 슬립퍼로 갈아 신고 검사실로 들어 오십시오. Japanese
How often do you use the toilet at night? Japanese
请服用使胃鼓起来的药。 Japanese
请抓住机器(上/旁)的棍子。 Japanese
治療している部位に湿布は貼らないでください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
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