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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
I'm going to put a frame apparatus around your head to stabilize it during treatment. Japanese
Have you ever experienced anything unexpected when undergoing this test before? Japanese
As you raise your right hip, your head will be lowered. Japanese
I'm going to take a picture of the markings in the area to be treated. Please wait a few minutes. Japanese
I'm going to stabilize your head with pins. Japanese
Please drink some water. Japanese
How long have you felt this pain? Japanese
Please lie on the examination table with your feet pointing right(left). Japanese
You have undergone treatment for one week. Do you feel okay? Japanese
You now have a frame apparatus around your head. You must take care not to hit it as you move around. Japanese
You will feel a hot sensation. It is a normal reaction to the drug. Please do not move. Japanese
Do you drink alcohol? Japanese
Please take the laxative now. Japanese
Do you feel a burning sensation in the treated area? Japanese
You may feel some pain where the pins were inserted. However, the pain will soon be relieved. Japanese
Please let me know if you feel nauseous, itchy or get an unusual sensation during the test. Japanese
How much alcohol do you drink? Japanese
Please hold the bars on the sides of the machin. Grip the bar with your hands on the inside, fingers pointing out. Japanese
Do you have diarrhea? Japanese
I'm going to remove the frame from your head. Japanese
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