


This is the details of the project. It explains the phrase collected by this project.

Detail of the project

Project Title
Period of the Project
Automatically Added Tags


This is the tag automatically attached to the phrases provided by this project or the period of project.

Phrases registered by this project.

You can see the registered phrases in each language when you operate the menu.

絞り込み : List of phrases.

You can translate the phrase when you click the description "You translate".
Also, you can focus on the phrase that is not translated into the certain language in the following.

翻訳 : List of phrases not translated into .

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These are phrases provided by this project. You can register your translation when you click the description "You will translate."

Language Phrases Author Translate
Japanese 私は、心臓が停止した死後、移植の為に○で囲んだ臓器を提供します。 Yoshino Translate
Japanese 私は、臓器を提供しません。 Yoshino Translate
Japanese 臓器移植を希望しています。 Yoshino Translate
Japanese 臓器提供を拒否します。 Yoshino Translate
Japanese 臓器提供を了承します。 Yoshino Translate
Japanese 脳死と心停止の臓器提供の違いを教えてください。 Yoshino Translate
Japanese 臓器提供に費用はかかりますか? Yoshino Translate
English How is a potential recipient identified? k. c. masui Translate
English How are donated organs distributed? k. c. masui Translate
English living donor kidney transplantation k. c. masui Translate
English living donor liver transplantation k. c. masui Translate
English Is there any cost for organ transplantation? k. c. masui Translate
English How successful are organ transplants? / What are the transplant success rates? k. c. masui Translate
English What are the criteria for becoming an organ donor? k. c. masui Translate
English an organ transplant coordinator k. c. masui Translate
Japanese 移植コーディネーター Yoshino Translate
Japanese 臓器を受け取る人はどのように決められるのですか? Yoshino Translate
Japanese レシピエント Yoshino Translate
Japanese ドナー適応基準について教えてください。 Yoshino Translate
Japanese 輸血を受けたことがありますが、臓器提供出来ますか? Yoshino Translate
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Participants of the Project


The followings are the ranking of participants and the numbers of registered phrases by this project.

Ranking Author Number of registered phrases
3k. c. masui25
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