


This is the details of the project. It explains the phrase collected by this project.

Detail of the project

Project Title
Period of the Project
Automatically Added Tags


This is the tag automatically attached to the phrases provided by this project or the period of project.

Phrases registered by this project.

You can see the registered phrases in each language when you operate the menu.

絞り込み : List of phrases.

You can translate the phrase when you click the description "You translate".
Also, you can focus on the phrase that is not translated into the certain language in the following.

翻訳 : List of phrases not translated into .

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These are phrases provided by this project. You can register your translation when you click the description "You will translate."

Language Phrases Author Translate
English cord blood transplantation k. c. masui Translate
English peripheral blood stem cell transplantation k. c. masui Translate
English hematopoietic stem cell transplantation k. c. masui Translate
English bone-marrow transplantation k. c. masui Translate
Japanese この病院で移植は可能ですか? Karino Translate
Japanese 臓器移植を受ける為の条件はありますか? Karino Translate
Japanese 臓器を移植することに問題はありますか? Karino Translate
Japanese 私の臓器を提供します。 Karino Translate
Japanese 臓器提供したくありません。 Karino Translate
Japanese 臓器の提供ありがとうございます。 Karino Translate
Japanese 移植の為、海外に行く必要がありますか? Karino Translate
Japanese 私の臓器を移植してください。 Karino Translate
Japanese HLA型が一致する必要があります。 Karino Translate
Japanese 臓器移植治療はどのくらいの期間が必要ですか? Karino Translate
Japanese ドナー Karino Translate
Japanese 家族の承諾のみで臓器を提供することができます。 Karino Translate
Japanese 骨髄移植 Karino Translate
Japanese 造血幹細胞移植 Karino Translate
Japanese 末梢血幹細胞移植 Karino Translate
Japanese 臍帯血移植 Karino Translate
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Participants of the Project


The followings are the ranking of participants and the numbers of registered phrases by this project.

Ranking Author Number of registered phrases
3k. c. masui25
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