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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Desça do local de exame. Japanese
因要确认照射位置所以把房间的灯关了。 Japanese
有可以取下的假牙吗? Japanese
I'm going to ask you to inhale, exhale and hold your breath as we take images. Japanese
Por favor bájese. Japanese
방사선 쐬는 위치를 확인하기 위해 치료실을 어둡게 합니다. Japanese
의치가 있습니까? Japanese
要在吸气、呼气、憋气时进行摄影。 Japanese
残っているバリウムを全部飲んでください。コップは、横にあるカップホルダーに置いてください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Iremos escurecer a sala para verificar a posição de aplicação da radiação. Japanese
Usa dentaduras? Japanese
숨을 들이마시거나 내쉴 때, 숨을멈추고 있을 때, 촬영을 실시합니다. Japanese
Please drink the remainder fo the barium . You may place the cup in the cupholder to the side. Japanese
Voy a apagar las luces de la habitación para confirmar el lugar de la radiación. Japanese
¿Tiene dentadura postiza? Japanese
A filmagem será realizada quando estiver inspirando, expirando ou com a respiração presa. Japanese
请把剩下的钡剂全部喝完。杯子放在旁边的杯架上。 Japanese
マスクを顔からはずします。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
体重は何キロですか? English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Haré las tomas cuando aspire, expire y pare la respiración. Japanese
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