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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
(叫伽马照相机的)机器要靠近你的身体、请不要动。 Japanese
貧血はありますか? English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Please take this medicine. Japanese
These markings are very important. Please do not wash the area with soap when taking a bath. Japanese
Luego de terminar el tratamiento, la piel afectada quedará débil. Japanese
(감마 카메라) 기계가 접근하니 움직이지 마십시오. Japanese
Are you anemic? Japanese
请服这个药。 Japanese
记号很重要、洗澡的时候请不要用肥皂擦洗有记号的地方。 Japanese
毎日の照射(治療)前には排尿をしてください English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
O aparelho (chamado de câmera de raios gama) irá se aproximar do corpo. Não se mexa. Japanese
有贫血吗? Japanese
이 약을 마시기 바랍니다. Japanese
중요한 표시이니 목욕할 때 표시 부분은 비누로 씻지 마십시오. Japanese
Please use the toilet before your daily treatment. Japanese
Le voy a cercar al cuerpo una máquina que se llama (ganma camera) no se mueva. Japanese
빈혈이 있습니까? Japanese
Tome este medicamento. Japanese
Como é uma marca importante, mesmo tomando banho, não esfregue o local da marca com sabonete. Japanese
每天接受放射(治疗)前、请先去解小便。 Japanese
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