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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
在临近检查前、请排出小便。 Japanese
服を上げてお腹を出してください English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
It is very rare, but you may later get a rash as a reaction to the drug. Please call the hospital if this occurs. Japanese
Please tell me if it is painful. Japanese
Es como sigue, primero mixione y espere. Japanese
검사 직전에 배뇨해 주십시오. Japanese
Please raise your clothing to expose your stomach(abdomen). Japanese
万一、回去以后出现荨麻疹或不舒服的话、请给医院打电话。 Japanese
疼的时候请说。 Japanese
皮膚の刺激になるような下着は着けないでください English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Urine antes do exame. Japanese
请把衣服拉上去、把肚子露出来。 Japanese
만일 집에 가서 두드러기나 기분이 안 좋아질 경우엔 병원에 연락 주십시오. Japanese
통증이 있을 때는 말해 주십시오. Japanese
Please avoid underwear that irritate the skin. Japanese
Antes de empezar el examen mixione. Japanese
옷을 올리고 배를 내 놓으십시오. Japanese
Se, por um acaso, sair urticárias ou passar mal ao voltar para casa, ligue ao hospital. Japanese
Diga se doer. Japanese
请不要穿对皮肤有刺激作用的内衣。(如:含有钢丝的胸罩) Japanese
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