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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Have you ever heard of norovirus? Japanese
That won't be necessary, thank you. Japanese
Please hold your breath when this light turns on. Japanese
Please have a seat outside until your film images are ready. Japanese
Which language(s) do you speak? Japanese
Your brassiere will appear in the X-ray image. Please remove it. Japanese
Please relax your breathing when this light turns on. Japanese
Can you speak English? Japanese, Portuguese
Can you manage to remove your clothes alone? Japanese
During the filming, I will ask you to hold your breath for ( ) seconds, after inhaling (exhaling). Please try not to move your tummy during this time. Japanese
Please wait while we verify that your X-ray images are clear. Japanese
What language(s) do you speak? Japanese
Do you need assistance in changing clothes? Japanese
If you can not continue to hold your breath, please exhale slowly. Do not breathe suddenly. Japanese
The film images will be sent to the the nurse station in your ward. Japanese
Do you have someone to translate for you? Japanese
Plastic is appearing in the X-ray image. Please remove it. Japanese
During the filming, I will ask you to breathe normally/relax/give you a signal. The tests will continue, so please do not move. Japanese
Please take these film images to your outpatient clinic. Japanese
Can you understand Japanese? Japanese
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