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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
I'm covered by an insurance company from (name of country). Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Are you covered by travel accident insurance? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Are you covered by insurance? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Are you covered by an American health insurance? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Do you have Japanese national health insurance? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Do you have Japanese private health insurance? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Do you have health insurance? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
How do you plan to pay for your visit? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Do you have insurance? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please ask the cashier about your hospitalization fees. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
You have not completed your payments for your hospitalization. Please make payments at the cashier. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please come to the hospital on (month/day). Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
You have completed your payments for your hospitalization. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Due to the hospital's circumstances, we request that you come back at a later date to pay the exact fees. Japanese, Chinese, Korean
When can you make your payment? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
The amount paid in advance will be deducted from the final amount and the balance will be billed to you on a later date. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
This is your hospitalization billing statement from (year/month/day) to (year/month/day). Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please pay an advance payment of ( ) yen. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Will your company pay the full amount for you? Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I can pay up to ( )yen. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
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