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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
プラスチック製品も写真に写ってきますので外して下さい English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Si no puede continuar con la respiración, espire lentamente y evite espirar bruscamente. Japanese
La radiografía lo enviaré a la sala de enfermeras de su pabellón. Japanese
Está acompanhado de intérprete? Japanese
Plastic is appearing in the X-ray image. Please remove it. Japanese
途中「普通に呼吸してください/楽にして下さい」と言います/合図をだします。まだ撮影中ですので、体は動かさないで下さい。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
診察室にレントゲン写真を持っていってください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
¿Tiene su Interprete? Japanese
因塑料製品会拍到照片上去请拿掉 Japanese
During the filming, I will ask you to breathe normally/relax/give you a signal. The tests will continue, so please do not move. Japanese
Please take these film images to your outpatient clinic. Japanese
Can you understand Japanese? Japanese
플라스틱 제품도 사진에 찍히므로 빼 주십시오. Japanese
中途会说/发出信号「请正常呼吸/请放松」、但摄影还在进行、请身体不要动 Japanese
请把底片送到诊察室去 Japanese
おはようございます English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Tire os produtos de plástico porque irão aparecer no filme Japanese
도중에 「평소처럼 호흡하세요/편하게 하세요 」라고 지시를 합니다.아직 촬영중이므로 몸은 움직이지 마십시오. Japanese
진찰실에 X레이 사진을 가지고 가십시오. Japanese
Good morning. Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish
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