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List of all registered phrases.

16184 phrases registered! Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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6059 phrases already exist for Japanese. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

| Japanese | English | Chinese | Korean | Portuguese | Spanish | Vietnamese | Thai | Indonesian |

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| All | Word | Phrase |

List of Japanese phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
低体温症 (None)
水難事故 (None)
高山病 (None)
アイシング (None)
安否情報 (None)
水ぶくれ (None)
毛孔性苔癬 (None)
全身性エリテマトーデス (None)
シェーグレン症候群 (None)
単純ヘルペス (None)
不完全骨折 (None)
剥離骨折 (None)
つり包帯 (None)
完全骨折 (None)
脊椎 (None)
疲労骨折 (None)
鼻茸 (None)
アデノイド (None)
耳管開放症 (None)
感音性難聴 (None)
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