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List of all registered phrases.
16184 phrases registered! Thank you very much for your cooperation!
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6059 phrases already exist for Japanese. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
| Japanese | English | Chinese | Korean | Portuguese | Spanish | Vietnamese | Thai | Indonesian |
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List of Japanese phrases.
You can look at phrases and translations of other languages if you chose a phrase. We are looking forward to your translations!
Phrases | Translated Languages |
カビ毒 | (None) |
水銀中毒 | (None) |
一酸化炭素中毒 | (None) |
中毒 | (None) |
貝毒 | (None) |
記憶喪失貝毒 | (None) |
神経性貝毒 | (None) |
下痢性貝毒 | (None) |
ロングスリーパー | (None) |
ショートスリーパー | (None) |
歯ぎしり | English |
むずむず脚症候群 | (None) |
睡眠障害 | English |
ナルコレプシー | (None) |
過眠症 | English |
睡眠時無呼吸症候群 | English |
立ちくらみ | English |
息切れ | English |
冷え性 | English |
金縛り | (None) |