Kitamura's Personal Information

Personal information has not entered yet.

List of Kitamura's phrases

Kitamura have entered 155 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
直腸がん (None)
大腸炎 (None)
胃酸過多症 (None)
胃けいれん English
慢性胃炎 (None)
急性胃炎 (None)
胃下垂 (None)
食道がん (None)
冠不全 (None)
レーノー病 (None)
大動脈りゅう (None)
心内膜炎 (None)
高血圧症 (None)
心筋炎 (None)
静脈りゅう (None)
目が赤い (None)
目やにが出る (None)
足がむくみます (None)
食中毒 (None)
貧血 English
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