Kitamura's Personal Information

Personal information has not entered yet.

List of Kitamura's phrases

Kitamura have entered 155 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
けいれん (None)
風邪 Portuguese, Chinese
インフルエンザ (None)
胸膜炎 (None)
気管支拡張症 (None)
気管支炎 English
肺梗塞 (None)
肺気腫 (None)
肺炎 English
すいがん (None)
ワイル病 (None)
肝硬変症 (None)
胆道がん (None)
胆石 English
胆のう炎 (None)
痔ろう (None)
裂肛 (None)
脱肛 (None)
痔核 (None)
食道炎 (None)
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