Kitamura's Personal Information

Personal information has not entered yet.

List of Kitamura's phrases

Kitamura have entered 155 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
皮膚がん (None)
魚の目 (None)
あざ (None)
にきび (None)
蕁麻疹 (None)
水虫 English
湿疹 (None)
喉頭がん (None)
咽頭症 (None)
網膜剥離 (None)
緑内障 (None)
ベーチェット病 (None)
角膜炎 (None)
ものもらい (None)
子宮内膜炎 (None)
ジフテリア (None)
水痘 (None)
風疹 (None)
麻疹 (None)
ヘルニア (None)
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