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16184 phrases registered! Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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2373 phrases already exist for Chinese. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

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List of Chinese phrases.

You can look at phrases and translations of other languages if you chose a phrase. We are looking forward to your translations!

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Phrases Translated Languages
葡萄牙语 Japanese
讲了些什么? (None)
低血糖 Japanese
宿醉 Japanese
透析科 Japanese
打胎 (None)
发烧 Japanese
你好 Japanese
产前诊断之胎位 (None)
骨盆 (None)
胎位 (None)
进餐时频频饮水 (None)
(半月)来不思饮食 (None)
形体日益消瘦 (None)
面色红润 (None)
营养不良 Japanese
脐带脱垂 (None)
葡萄胎 (None)
骨产道异常 (None)
妊娠呕吐 (None)
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