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16184 phrases registered! Thank you very much for your cooperation!
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6059 phrases already exist for Japanese. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
| Japanese | English | Chinese | Korean | Portuguese | Spanish | Vietnamese | Thai | Indonesian |
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List of Japanese phrases.
You can look at phrases and translations of other languages if you chose a phrase. We are looking forward to your translations!
Phrases | Translated Languages |
口内炎 | (None) |
排尿の時に痛みがあります | (None) |
血尿が出ます | (None) |
予防接種 | (None) |
化粧品の影響でかぶれました | (None) |
骨折しています | (None) |
むちうち症 | (None) |
関節が痛みます | (None) |
ぎっくり腰 | (None) |
鼻血が出ます | (None) |
耳垂れ | (None) |
耳に虫が入って取れません | (None) |
耳鳴りがします | (None) |
目が腫れています | (None) |
目がかすみます | (None) |
目が痛みます | (None) |
急に体重が増えました | (None) |
便秘が続いています | (None) |
お腹がはります | (None) |
みぞおちが痛いです | (None) |