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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
Even when I am resting, it is difficult to breathe. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
You have dyspnea. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
When I excercise, it is difficult to breathe. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
My eyes and my body are yellowish in color. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
It is difficult to breathe. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I pass gas frequently. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
My excrements are white. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I have hard, pebble-like excrements. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
My excrements are black. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I am continuously going to the bathroom because of my diarrhea.. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I found blood in my excrement. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I regurgitate food and chew it in my mouth. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I have trouble keeping food down. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I have an unbearable pain in my abdomen. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I vomited black blood. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
The closest bank is (location or directions). Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I vomited. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please go to the bank and get some cash. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
We cannot accept credit cards or traveler's checks. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I don't have any yen, but I have enough US dollars. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
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