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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
I will do a sigmoidoscopy. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I will take a CT scan of your brain. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I will do a pelvic ultrasound. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I will take an ultrasound of your kidneys. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I will take some pictures of the inside of your stomach. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Let's take an x-ray of your esophagus. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Let's take some x-rays of your chest along with your wrist. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Let's do an ultrasound of your uterus. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Let's do a scratch test. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I will have you get an electrocardiogram. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Let's do a biopsy to be certain. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
I will have you get an echocardiogram. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
A tissue biopsy is when bits of tissue is taken out with a needle and tested. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
In a scintigraphy examination, a harmless isotope is injected into the body and a scan is taken. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
An MRI is a computerized magnetic scan. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
We will take X-rays of your shoulder. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
A CT scan is a computerized x-ray scan. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
In an EEG, you will be laying down with electrodes attached to your head. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
In an internal microscope examination, a tube with a camera is used to look inside the body. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
In a barium enema examination, barium is injected into colon, and and X-ray is taken. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
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