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List of English phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
You will not need a family member to attend you at the time of your hospitalization. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
The hospital has the following facilities. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
In times of emergency, please do as the hospital staff says. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please be responsible for your own belongings. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
In the case that your belongings are stolen or lost, the hospital will not be held responsible. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please do not bring valuables and large amounts of cash to the hospital during your hospitalization. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please do not use your cellular phone or PHS inside the hospital, as they may harm medical equipment. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Drinking alcohol, gambling and other behaviors that may harm other patients are strictly prohibited. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please use headphones when watching TV so as not to disturb the other patients. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please ask the hospital staff if you have questions about how to use the TV. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
You can rent out a TV from the hospital. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
You may bring your own TV or radio with permission from the hospital. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Smoking is prohibited during hospitalization. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
You may smoke only at designated areas. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please have your family do your laundry at home. This hospital does not have any laundry services or facilities. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
There is a laundromat inside the hospital. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
The hospital will do your laundry for a fee. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
Please inform your doctor or your nurse. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
If you want to go out or spend the night away, you will need your doctor's permission. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
We will serve you a diet for individuals with a kidney problem. Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese
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