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List of Tabunka's phrases

Tabunka have entered 10884 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
頭にフレームが着いていますので壁などにぶつけないようにしてください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Desde quando tem dores? Japanese
Tome agua por favor. Japanese
침대 오른쪽(왼쪽)에 발이 오도록 누우십시오. Japanese
조사(照射)한 지 일주일 지났는데 이상은 없습니까? Japanese
You now have a frame apparatus around your head. You must take care not to hit it as you move around. Japanese
¿Desde cuándo le duele? Japanese
造影剤の影響で体が熱くなりますが、動かないでください。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
Deite-se na cama de forma que o pé fique do lado direito (lado esquerdo) da cama. Japanese
Faz 1 semana após aplicarmos a radiação. Sente alguma mudança? Japanese
因头部装着框子、请当心不要撞着墙壁等。 Japanese
お酒を飲みますか? English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
You will feel a hot sensation. It is a normal reaction to the drug. Please do not move. Japanese
Ëchese en la cama con el pie hacia la derecha (izquierda) de la cama. Japanese
Pasó una semana de la irradiación, ¿No hay ningún cambio? Japanese
머리에 프레임을 장착했으니 벽 등에 부딪치지 않도록 하십시오. Japanese
Do you drink alcohol? Japanese
因造影剂的影响身体会发热、请不要动。 Japanese
今から下剤を飲んで下さい。 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
照射しているところがヒリヒリしますか? English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
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