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List of phrases with tags muscle

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Language Phrases Comment
English Could you tell me about treatments for whiplash injury?
English If the affected area is not swollen or warm to touch, you can take a bath. an answer from a doctor to the patient with a muscle injury
English If the affected area is swollen or warm to touch, you'd better not to apply heat. an answer from the doctor to the patient with a muscle injury
English Should I go see an orthopedist or Judo-Orthopaedist? a question about what specialist to see for a muscle injury
English If it hasn't been long since the injury, I'd recommend you to see an orthopedist. directing a patient with a muscle injury to a specialist
English If I have pain in the affected area, should I cool it down or apply heat? asking how to relieve muscle pain
English Basically, when you have pain, you should cool the affected area down. how to relieve muscle pain
English I feel the pain change location each day. the pain changes
English I cannot tell if the area of pain is swollen or not. describing the affected area of muscle injury
English I don't know how to fix the part of pain. asking for treatments for muscle pain
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