Yoshino's Personal Information

氏名:吉野 孝

List of Yoshino's phrases

Yoshino have entered 1015 phrases.

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Phrases Translated Languages
アレルギー性気管支喘息 (None)
頸性神経筋症候群 (None)
甲状腺腫瘍 (None)
四十肩 (None)
五十肩 (None)
斜頚 (None)
頭頚部腫瘤 (None)
甲状腺疾患 (None)
肩関節周囲炎 (None)
肩腱板損傷 (None)
甲状腺がん (None)
甲状腺機能亢進症 (None)
外傷性頚部症候群 (None)
胸郭出口症候群 (None)
頚椎ヘルニア (None)
頚椎後縦靭帯骨化症 (None)
頚椎症 (None)
頚椎ねんざ (None)
老人性難聴 (None)
滲出性中耳炎 (None)
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